What is Studio Project Management?
So what is Project Management?
There are many moving pieces related to a studio project. Project management is all about ensuring that every aspect of a studio project is organized and executed efficiently, leading to a successful outcome.
The following are a few ideas on. how you can more efficiently manage your studio projects through effective project management…
Project Details
There are many details related to a project, and often it makes most sense to keep all the details documented for quick and easy reference. Some details that you may want to document for a project include:
- Who is the Artist, band, or company that you are working with?
- Who is your primary contact for the project?
- Who else is involved that you may need to communicate with?
- What is the expected project start date?
- When does the client want the project to be completed?
- What type of project are we involved in (Music, Audiobook, Voiceover, Audio Post Production)?
- What is the current project stage?
- How far along are we? Are we on schedule?
It may seem simple, but as you are managing more than one project at a time, having an easy way to organize and keep track of key details will be the difference between completing a project on schedule with a happy client, or introducing disorganization and frustration in the project, and possibly losing out on recurring business with that client.
You can organize these details on a notepad, in your phone Notes app, or through a studio management software system designed for managing projects.
Session Notes
Keeping notes on sessions and projects is a great way to organize your thoughts and prepare for your next client session. While it may feel tedious, documenting notes gives you specific details that you can look back upon to help you as the project progresses.
At the end of every studio session, consider writing down notes on details, such as what you accomplished in the session, what instruments were used, what went well, what needs improvement, what did the client like or respond to positively, what complaints did they have, where did you leave off, etc. You can write notes on a notepad, in your phone Notes app, or even though dedicated studio management software.
With these details, you can refresh your memory of the past session as you prepare for the next. Not only do the notes make you feel more professional, but your clients will also feel that you care about them and their project when you remember all the details – and you don’t have to ask, “What did we do in our last session?”
Tasks & Reminders
Another great step to take in managing your projects is to create tasks for yourself or other team members with specific due dates for any next steps in the project. These tasks should typically have an actionable step, along with a due date and time.
Having a task list that is easily accessible will allow you to keep track of any checklist items that you need to complete. Not only does managing your task list effectively help you to complete any promises that you’ve made to your clients, but it helps them to realize that you are making their projects a priority – it goes a long way.
You can create a list of tasks on your notepad, as a list on your phone, or even use a dedicated studio management software system to help with this list – software built for this purpose often includes automated reminders that can be sent to you to help you keep these tasks a priority!
Project File Storage
As a part of any project, you may have files that you need to organize or store for future reference. These can range from project contracts, client scripts, project outlines, audio files produced as a part of the project, mixes for review, and more.
Keeping all these files organized in a single location keep the project running smoothly. You can use a folder structure on your own computer, or you can use a system like Dropbox or Google Drive. Many studio management systems will have their own convenient cloud storage option that are built right into the project, making it even easier to see everything related to the project in a single location.
Audio File Review
You may come to a point during the project where you want to share audio files, such as Mixes or Masters, with your client for review. While you could email or share links to files via Dropbox or other file storage systems, these systems are designed to store files – not necessarily for audio file review at a level that we are looking for in the audio industry.
As a more advanced and purpose-driven option, you may look into a studio management system, such as Sonido Software, to help provide this benefit. These solutions are specifically designed for the audio production workflow and are almost always a better fit for your needs.
Choosing the Right Studio Project Management Software – Why it Matters
In summary, there are various ways that you can improve your own project management to provide a better experience to your clients. While some of these processes can be completed through manual steps, dedicated studio management systems can simplify this process immensely, provide automation to the processes that save you time, and make the full process more efficient by combining your full project management (and studio management as a whole) into a single software platform.
Sonido Software is the leading studio management software platform that includes everything you need to manage your studio within a single system.
Interested in learning more about how Sonido can help with your project management? Request a demo from our team today!