Contact Management


As a studio manager, it’s likely that you communicate with any number of industry contacts and partners – past and present clients, session musicians, mixing and/or mastering engineers, label contacts, and many more. Keeping track of their contact information, project history and prior communications is critically important, especially when you need such information at a moment’s notice.

Sonido Software provides an intuitive recording studio contact management system that brings together all your contact details within a single platform, allowing you to easily look up phone numbers, addresses, contact interests or preferences, and so much more.

Integrated within the Sonido platform, these contacts and their data are intertwined throughout, allowing you to quickly reference and connect contacts between leads, projects, quotes, invoices, scheduling, and other areas, eliminating the double entry between multiple systems and seamlessly integrating all the tools you use to manage your recording studio business more easily.

It truly can be that simple.

Contact Details

Keep contact names, phone numbers, email addresses, project history, and more organized in once place.


Keep a record of all communications and discussion points documented within the contact note records.

Task Reminders

Create To Do tasks and set reminders for yourself or a team member to drive additional communications or progress.

Contact Notes

Document notes for yourself or your team related to the contact record, discussions, or projects.

We are here for your studio.

Request a demo of Sonido today!